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Weekly Message 10.25,2024 Parashat Bereshit


Parashat Bereshit (Genesis) 1:1-6:8

HafTorah - Isaiah 42:5 - 43:10


Dear friends,

Now that all the holidays are behind us, we look forward with thankfulness and hope for the coming season and we begin with Shabbat Bereshit (Genesis) tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 9:30 am in-person and virtually on Zoom.

We chanted the last portion of the Torah (V'Zot Habracha) and the first part of Bereshit on Simchat Torah with dancing and joy to be privileged to read and be guided by the Torah. Thanks to all that made this past week from Sukkot through Simchat Torah such a delight and inspiration. This year (5785) we will be reading the third triennial portion of each Sedrah which this Shabbat, includes the genealogy of the ten genrations from Adam to Noah. Humankind is given the tools to be righteious but over these years, society breaks down and cruelty prevails human beings and Adonai decides to destroy everything on earth with only Noah finding favor from the heavens.

For this week's Haftorah, we are reintroduced to Isaiah who in his prophecy to those exiled in Babylon, he speaks of a restoration which will surely come (and did in fact occur) in the land of Israel with the Hebrew people charged with being a "light unto all the nations" and to point the way to righteousness and salvation to all. We must continue to think and act as if our deeds will indeed better this earth or in the case of the generations leading up to Noah, to damage it. We have been given the tools by Hashem to fulfil this prophecy and make a difference in the world.

Although we have no holidays during the coming month, we still need everyone to make our minyan so that we can read the Torah every Shabbat and those who are saying Kaddish, can do so. I hope to see you all in shul as we begin anew.

Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader



JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Shabbat Service Fri 10/25 730 pm and Sat 10/26 9:30 am

Time: This is a recurring meeting FRIDAY and SATURDAY

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Passcode: 5QdVaA




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