Parashat Tetzaveh (Command) Exodus27:20 - 30:10
HafTorah Ezekiel 43:10 - 27

Dear friends,
The rains of last Shabbat and lasted through the weekend have given way to beautiful sunshine and light in time for us to begin our study of the portion of T'tzaveh in the Book of Exodus.
And as we are now only four weeks from the beginning of the Spring season, the days and thus the daylight grow longer giving us more and more light with each passing day.

In this Shabbat's reading, we are introduced to the Ner Tamid, the eternal flame which has been represented throughout our subsequent history in the ark containing our Torahs just as it adorned the Tabernacle in the wilderness and then the Temple in Jerusalem. In Judaism, light represents mitzvot, hope, courage, justice, righteousness, and understanding. No wonder, we say "I see the light" when we grasp the true meaning of something that might be puzzling us. Light is the symbol for the good, the beautiful, and all that is positive. It is no wonder that in addition to the Ner Tamid, we light candles on every erev Shabbat and Festivals and throughout the eight nights of Hanukkah.
As we are in the middle of the month of Adar I, today is referred to as Purim Katan

(literally meaning "little Purim"). Because this is a leap year and we thus have two months of Adar, Purim itself occurs in the second month or Adar II. If this were not a leap year, Purim would take place today! Some celebrate Purim Katan with a festive meal, but in general we simply note its passing since we are already "increasing our joy" throughout the month(s) of Adar. We will celebrate Purim next month with a social hour with Hamantaschen, ice cream, other goodies and much comradery, costume and joy with our congregational family.

Please join me at services this evening at 7:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 9:30 am (in person and virtually on Zoom) for the reading of T'tzaveh and our Haftorah from the Prophet Ezekiel. And a reminder, that next Friday evening, March 1st at 6:30 pm, we have a special Shabbat dinner in memory of our beloved matriarch Mary Gaines ז״ל sponsored by Joel and Marla Gartner and family. Mary passed away on July 5th at the age of 105 and blessed our congregation by her presence and her "light" for many years. And on Sunday, March 24th at 2 pm we gather for the Purim festivities and the reading of the Book of Esther, the Megillah.
Shabbat Shalom!
Ron Becker
Spiritual Leader
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