Parashat Beshalach (when he sent) Exodus 13:17 - - 17:16
HafTorah Judges 4:4 - 5:31
Dear friends,
Last Shabbat when we celebrated the Bar Mitzvah anniversary of Gregory Cohen and the Bat Mitzvah anniversary of our president Eileen Hochstadt joyous Shabbat kiddush luncheon, we read and studied the effects of the Plagues and the preparations for leaving Egypt. This week, we celebrate Shabbat Shira, the Shabbat of Song named after the song that was composed and sung by the Israelites after surviving the miracle of the parting of the Sea of Reeds. This song will be chanted in our Torah reading on Shabbat morning and is chanted every morning (weekday and Shabbat) in the Shacharit service. And additionally, a verse from it is repeated in all of our weekday and Shabbat services:
מי־כמכה באלם יהוה
מי־כמכה נאדר בקדשׁ
נורא תהלת עשׂה פלא
Mi kamocha ba-elim Adonai
Mi Kamocha nedar ba-kodesh
Nora tehillot oseh fele
Who is like You among the gods, Adonai?
Who is like you, glorious in holiness,
Awesome in praises, doing wonders?
And after crossing the Sea, our journey begins in earnest. Instead of a direct route to the Promised Land where the Children of Israel would have been completely unprepared to enjoy the fruits of their freedom and live holy lives, they are set on a circuitous path that will give them the opportunity to learn the Mitzvot and govern themselves. In fact, without that knowledge and experiences, no sooner so they begin the exodus, then they begin to complain about their plight forgetting the many miracles that brought them to the brink of true emancipation. How often do we forget about the miracles and blessings in our own lives and let inconveniences get in the way of our appreciation for all that is good.
In our triennial reading (Exodus 14:26-17:16) we encounter Amalek for the first time through their despicable attack on the Children of Israel from the rear which caused the harm of the most helpless. We are commanded to blot out the name of Amalek which can be considered the concept of "evil". In the commentary in our Hertz Chumash, he writes "Amalek has disappeared under heaven, but his spirit still walks the earth". In the battle of the Lord against the Amalakites in the realm of the spirit, the only successful weapons are courage and conviction, truth, and righteousness". Think of what a better place this world would be if we all strived to lead that kind of life.
Our Haftorah from the Book of Judges (4:4-5:31) also contains a celebratory song, that of the Prophet Deborah, the only female judge of Israel before the institution of the monarchy. It concludes on a very high note: "They that love the Lord be as the sun when it goes forth in its might".
Please join me at Shabbat services this evening at 7:30 pm and tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 9:30 am as we celebrate Shabbat Shira! And remember that next Shabbat morning (February 15th), we will celebrate Tu B'Shevat and President's Day weekend with a special Shabbat luncheon following services.
Thanks to all who volunteered with me at Metropolitan Ministries this week. Our next session will take place soon. Please help my wife Chris celebrate her birthday by volunteering with us at Metropolitan Ministries during our monthly 11 am - 2 pm shift on Thursday, February 27th at their campus in Holiday on 3216 Route 19 across from Sun Toyota. We had a very productive session on January 30th cleaning the dining room and sorting the clothing session. None of it was strenuous in any way and this small effort helps to provide the organization with the opportunity to serve so many people who are in need during this particularly difficult year.
To sign up, simply click on the link below and follow the instructions. And please don't hesitate to spread the word with your friends and congregants as we build our volunteer base:
Jewish Community Center Feb. 2025 Volunteer Link:
Shabbat Shalom,
Ron Becker,
Spiritual Leader
JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Shabbat Services 02/07 @ 7:30 pm & 02/08 @ 9:30 am
Time: This is a recurring meeting Friday and Saturday
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