Dear Friends,
Chris and I very much enjoyed being with you throughout our Rosh Hashanah services and Taschlich by the river. Now we are entering Shabbat Shuva, the Sabbath of Return and have the honor of joining with friends and family to celebrate our four adult B'nai Mitzvot (Ana Calderon, Barbara D. Johnson, Barbara E. Johnson, and Arthur Simon) as they read the special Haftorah for this holy Shabbat and teach us the meaning behind each of the three Prophet's (Hosea, Micah, and Joel) messages. They will also be sponsoring a beautiful Kiddush luncheon so please join in on this very important event in our synagogue at 9:30 Saturday morning. We will of course, be holding services as usual on Friday evening at 7:30 pm as well.
Shabbat Shuva weekend continues with our annual cemetery visitations on Sunday. Please join us at:
Beit Olam Cemetery in Trinity at 11 am
Grace Memorial Cemetery in Hudson at 12:30 pm
National Military Cemetery in Bushnell at 2:30 pm
We will chant a memorial prayer at each of our loved one's grave-site and for those who don't have friends/family buried locally, we will chant a memorial prayer for them as well. If you need a ride to any of the cemeteries, please let me or Eileen Hochstadt know so you can take part in this important ritual of zichronot (remembrance).
Also, by the time you read this, our beloved friend and long-time congregant will have moved to the Harbor Chase at Villages Crossing assisted living community in Sumter County. The address is: 13517 NE 86th Street, Lady Lake, FL 32159. The phone number there is 352-350-7088. Mary would love visitors whenever friends are able to see her there. We wish her the very best as she transitions to her new community.
Looking forward to seeing you all again over this beautiful and meaningful Shabbat Shuva weekend and again at Kol Nidre (Tuesday night) and Yom Kippur (Wednesday). !לְשָׁנָה טוֹבָה תִכָּתֵבוּ
Ron Becker,
Spiritual Leader